ADMIT documentation: ADMIToptions: PLOT

ADMIToptions: PLOT

Specifies plotting options

PLOT.variableIndices [positive integer vector {[]}]
  Specifies the indices of variables of interest as the projection space
  for the bisectioning procedure. If none are provided the result of
  bisectioning procedure will be plot for up to first three variables of
  interest with non-collapsed bounds
PLOT.color.outerBounding [color {'r'}]
  Color of the outer bounding estimates (thick bars in the ADMITplot
  plots for 'Estimate' type of data)
PLOT.color.bisectioning [color {'b'}]
  Color of the valid bisectioning regions
PLOT.color.convexHull [color {'c'}]
  Color of the convex hull of the valid bisectioning regions
PLOT.alpha.edge [0-1 {.5}]
  Transparency level of the edges 
PLOT.alpha.face [0-1 {.25}]
  Transparency level of the faces 
PLOT.dynamicPlotting.bisectioning [{1} | 0]
  Dynamic plots of the bisectioning procedure. If only 2 or 3 variables
  are considered, this option will dynamically update the plot of
  bisectioning procedure, showing current region as well as already found
  feasible/infeasible regions.