ADMIT documentation: ADMITinterval


ADMITinterval constructor for an ADMITinterval object. 

INTV = ADMITinterval()
INTV = ADMITinterval(VAL)
INTV = ADMITinterval(LB,UB)
INTV = ADMITinterval([LB,UB])

Creates an empty (no input arguments) interval INTV or an interval with 
lower bounds LB and upper bounds UB. If only a single value VAL is 
provided, then lower bounds are set to upper bounds.

get(INTV,PROPERTY) and set(INTV,PROPERTY,VALUE) can be used to get and
set values of the properties. Properties "width" and "bounds" cannot be


 lb     : lower bounds
 ub     : upper bounds
 width  : width of interval
 bounds : [lb,ub]

Overloaded mathematical operators

 minus, mpower, mrdivide, mtimes, plus, power, rdivide, 
 uminus, uplus, times, ge, le, gt, lt

Overloaded mathematical functions

 isempty, intersect, display, union


 geq(A,B) (greater equal) : tests if A >= B for all A in [A_lb,A_ub]
                            and sets A_lb accordingly 
 leq(A,B) (less equal)    : tests if A <= B for all A in [A_lb,A_ub]
                            and sets A_ub accordingly 
 contains0(A)             : returns TRUE if interval A contains 0
 relax(A,tol,where)       : relaxes interval A by tolerance tol at lower
                            ('l'), upper ('u') or both ('b') bounds as
                            specified by argment where.


% Construct a interval and perform interval arithmetics
a = ADMITinterval([1,2])
b1 = ADMITinterval([3])
b2 = ADMITinterval([3,4])
a + b1
a + b2