ADMIT documentation: ADMIToptions


ADMIToptions creates an options object

OPS = ADMIToptions()

Creates an options objects with default values. User can manipulate the
values of the options object either by directly modifying them, or by
using the functions ADMITsetOptions and ADMITgetOptions.


 - Properties are represented in a form 
 - Users can add postfix options to existing prefixes, as, for example, 
   YALMIP options will simply be passed to the parser.
 - postfixes for the YALMIP prefix are directly passed to the yalmip
      parser, please refer to YALMIP documentation to learn about
      possible options
 - user is allowed to add more options with different postfixes, the
      prefixes are not allowed to be changed

Examples how to set and get options are found in the ADMITsetOptions and
ADMITgetOptions help texts.

Descriptions of the options can be found via the option reference.