ADMIT documentation: ADMITresults


ADMITresults creates an ADMITresults object

VAR = ADMITresults()

Creates an ADMITresults objects with empty fields


 - ADMITresults object contains information on the result of the estimation
      procedure and is used to extract the data on the bounds for the
      variables as well as bisectioning regions for the corresponding
      plot function
 - purpose of the fields of the ADMITresults object is described in the help
      of ADMITestimate function


Use the "get" functions to modify and retrieve properties of the
ADMITproject object.

'' : lower bounds of the variables of interest
'variablesOfInterest.ub' : upper bounds of the variables of interest
'variablesOfInterest.bounds' : ADMITconstraints with bounds for variables
                               of interest
'variablesOfInterest.names' : cell array of names of the variables of
'validRegions.vertices' : coordinates (in subspace of the variables of
                          interest) of the vertices of the valid 
                          bisectioning blocks
'validRegions.volume' : volume of the projection of feasible region onto
                        the subspace of the variables of interest
'validRegions.count' : number of valid bisectioning blocks; if the
                       bisectioning was not performed, the value is 1
'validRegions.convexHull' : linear constraints bounding the
                                       valid region; cell array of type