ADMIT documentation: ADMITprocessData


ADMITprocessData processes the raw (experimental) data adding tolerances
and intermediate bounds based on qualitative constraints

  Processes input raw data from OPTDATA without any modifications,
  copying every entry of the type 'Raw' and setting its type to

  Generates bounds on variables VAR_NAMES at time instances TIME from the
  raw data on these variables found in OPTDATA. Intermediate bounds are
  calculated using two raw data bounds enclosing current time point
     intermediate_lowerbound = min(left_lowerbound,right_lowerbound)
     intermediate_upperbound = min(left_upperbound,right_upperbound)
  (for more details see Examples section)
  For time invariant variables the TIME input should be empty ([])

  Same as previous function, but before the intermediate bounds are
  calculated, relative tolerance of size RELTOL is added to the input raw
  data. Relative tolerance is calculated as

  Same as previous function, but absolute tolerance ABSTOL is added after
  the relative tolerance. With both tolerances the values look like

  Same as previous function, but rules for calculating intermediate
  bounds can be specified. Possible rules are
     'minmax'      - used by default, "worst case bounds"
     'decrease'    - measurements are considered monotonicaly decreasing
                     over the whole time horizon TIME
     'increase'    - measurements are considered monotonicaly increasing
                     over the whole time horizon TIME
     'interpolate' - bounds on the intermediate measurements are
                     interpolated linearly according to the TIME values
  For details on differences of these rules please refer to the Examples
  section below.

  [...]        : square brackets notify that input is optional.
  OPTDATA      : valid ADMITdata object with the experimental data of
                 type 'Raw' to be processed. If you wish to process data
                 of different type, call ADMITimportData first.
  VAR_NAMES    : string with the name of the variable or cell array of
                 strings for several variable names.
  TIME         : time vector or ADMITtime object for which intermediate
                 bounds are to be added. Should be empty ([]) for time
                 invariant variables.
  RELTOL       : relative tolerances on the species. Can be given as a
                 single value (used for all species), or defined as a
                 vector of the same length as the number of species in
                 the VAR_NAMES. 0 is the default value.
  ABSTOL       : absolute tolerances on the species. Provided in the same
                 form as relative tolerance.
  INTERBOUNDS  : interpolation method/type used to derive bounds at the
                 time points TIME for variables in VAR_NAMES. Possible
                 values are:
                 - 'minmax'
                 - 'decreasing'/'decrease'
                 - 'increasing'/'increase'  
                 - 'interpolate'
                 Can be given as a single string (this mode will be used
                 for all the variables) or as a cell array of strings of
                 the same length as VAR_NAMES. 'minmax' is the default
  OPTIONS      : ADMIToptions object, that contains options and
                 preferences. Default options are used if this input is
                 not provided.

 OPTDATA       : generated ADMITdata objects of the type 'Processed'. 
                 Input OPTDATA will also be included in it.


% Add data stored in matrices
% (note: you can use csvread,xlsread,... and other MatLab-functions to
% read data from CSV,EXCEL,... files!)
dataMean     = [1.5,1.9,1.3,1.7,2,1.6];
dataVariance = [0.15,0.2,0.15,0.1,0.15,0.1];
dataTime     = [0,1,2,3,4,5];
% assume lower/upper bounds to correspond to -/+ standard-deviation
dataLB       = dataMean - sqrt(dataVariance);
dataUB       = dataMean + sqrt(dataVariance);
% import
OPTDATA = ADMITimportData('x1',dataTime,dataLB,dataUB)

% First process this data with no agruments.
% The result is then exactly the same as the 'Raw' data.

% Next, add tolerances to the measurement data and intermediate steps.
% The time points that are close enough to some 'Raw' timepoint of the
% input (<1% of the minimal input stepsize) are taken as exact timepoints,
% all the rest are treated as intermediate. For intermediate time points
% two closest 'Raw' points enclosing it are taken as reference and the
% bounds are then calculated according to specified method. If this method
% is not set explicitly (see further), the intermediate bounds are the
% worst of the two reference bounds. I.e. if the bounds are, say, [1,2]
% and [3,4], the intermediate will be [1,4].
OPTDATA2 = ADMITprocessData(OPTDATA,'x1',0:.2:5,.05,.025);

% To show how to treat multiple variables at once, we create a second set
% of 'Raw' data.
dataLB2   = 3 - dataMean - sqrt(dataVariance);
dataUB2   = 3 - dataMean + sqrt(dataVariance);
% We can attach new data to the existing object by providing it as the
% first input of ADMITimportData.
OPTDATAx2 = ADMITimportData(OPTDATA, 'x2',dataTime,dataLB2,dataUB2);

% We can only process data for the same time window, but the tolerances
% and intermediate bounds methods can be different for different
% variables. Here we specify relative and absolute tolerance values for
% the variables, but set intermediate bounds method same for both.
% The intermediate bounds method 'decrease' or 'decreasing' is creating
% bounds in a way that only monotonically decreasing functions can fit.
% The overall result can be tighter than the initial 'Raw' bounds even
% with added tolerances.
OPTDATA3 = ADMITprocessData(OPTDATAx2,{'x1','x2'},0:.2:5,...
                            [0.05 0.075],[0.025,0],'decrease');

% The intermediate bounds method 'increase' or 'increasing' is similar
% to the 'decreasing' method, but only monotonically increasing functions
% are considered for it.
% The method 'interpolate' generates bounds that allow functions that
% are linear between any two neighboring 'Raw' input data points.
OPTDATA4 = ADMITprocessData(OPTDATAx2,{'x1','x2'},0:.2:5,...

% The bounds can be created for different time intervals with different
% options, as shown next. Pay attention, though, that if the time
% intervals will overlap, this can cause problems, as the corresponding
% bounds will be intersected when adding them to the ADMITproject
OPTDATA5 = ADMITprocessData(OPTDATAx2,'x1',0:.2:2,0,0,'decrease');
OPTDATA5 = ADMITprocessData(OPTDATA5,'x1',2.2:.2:5,0,0,'increase');