Professor Dr.-Ing. Rolf Findeisen
Institute for Automation Engineering (IFAT)
Laboratory for Systems Theory and Automatic Control
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
39106 Magdeburg - Germany
Systems become increasingly complex and interconnected. They need to react autonomously to changes and disturbances. Control and systems theory is an enabling technology towards the analysis, safe operation and interoperation of such systems .
The research of my group aims towards the development of theoretical sound control methods for intelligent, safe interconnected autonomous systems operating in dynamically changing environments.
The developed approaches are based on methods from
model predictive control and optimal control
machine learning
uncertainty quantification
and optimization.
Special focus is layed on
the fusion of control and learning with guarantees
network-controlled/cyberphysical systems ensuring modularity, resilience, and plug and play operation
the control of mechatronic and robotic systems
The method developments are motivated and applied to challenging engineering and technological questions spanning from the field of mechatronics, robotics, medical engineering, energy systems, cyber-physical systems, autonomous driving, to synthetic biology, biotechnology and process control.
2020- |
Member DFG review board 407 Automation, Control, Robotics, Mechatronics, Cyber Physical Systems |
2019- |
Scientific member of the committee for research buildings of the Wissenschaftsrat |
2017 |
Visiting professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) and Mitsubish Electric Research Center, Cambridge |
2017 |
Coordinator excellence cluster initiative, OvGU Magdeburg |
2014 |
Offer full professor position (W3) at Universität Paderborn |
2012 |
Visiting professor Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and
EPF Lausanne |
2008- |
Full chaired professor Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Laboratory for Systems Theory and Automatic
Control |
2004-2007 |
Researcher, Institute for
Systems Theory and Automatic Control, Frank Allgöwer,
U. Stuttgart |
2004 |
Dr.-Ing., University of Stuttgart, Department of Mechanical
Engineering |
1999-2004 |
Research assistant, Institute for Systems Theory
and Automatic Control, Frank Allgöwer, U. Stuttgart |
1997-1999 |
Research assistant ETH-Zürich, Switzerland, Institute
for Automatic Control |
1997 |
Master of Chemical Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
1998 |
Diploma Engineering Cybernetics, University of Stuttgart |
Several research stays at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), EPFL Lausanne, University of California, Santa Barbara,
Imperial College London, NTNU Trondheim, Norway, University of Sannio Benevento
2020 |
IPC Co-Chair IFAC World Congress 2020, Berlin |
2020- |
Chair of the IFAC Committee on Process Control |
2017- |
Chair of the IEEE Committee on Process Control |
2017- |
International Progran Chair NMPC 2018, University of
Wisconsin, Madison |
2016 |
Keynote speaker Workshop on Control,
Optimisation and Networks, U. of Cambridge |
2016 |
Plenary speaker Congreso Nacional de Control Automatico, Mexico |
2015 |
Head Internet of Things activity group, IEEE TC Networks and
Communications |
2015 |
Plenary speaker IFAC Workshop Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC 2015)/td>
2014- |
Spokesperson of the GAMM Fachausschusses Dynamik und Regelungstheorie |
2012-2015 |
IEEE Control Systems Society International Affairs Chair |
2018- |
Associated editor Processes |
2015-2018 |
Associated editor IEEE Trans. Control of Network Systems |
2013- |
Editor Journal of Optimal Control Applications and Methods |
2012-2017- |
Associated editor IEEE Control Systems Magazin |
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