Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Kern
Ph.D. Student and Research Assistant
Institute for Automation Engineering (IFAT)
Laboratory for Systems Theory and Automatic Control
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
39106 Magdeburg - Germany
Phone: |
(+49)0391/6718590 |
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(+49)0391/6711191 |
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My research is focused on set-based and optimization based control-methods. In particular, I am interested in dezentralized control methods
for physically interconnected systems.
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Books and Volumes
L. Grüne, F. Allgöwer, R. Findeisen, J. Fischer, D. Groß, U.D.
Hanebeck, M. Müller, J. Pannek, M. Reble, O. Stursberg, P. Varutti,
K. Worthmann, and B. Kern.
Distributed and Networked Model Predictive Control in Control
Theory of Digitally Networked Systems.
Springer-Verlag, 2013.
in press.
Conference Paper
B. Kern and R. Findeisen.
Analysis and constrained control of nonlinear interconnected systems
exploiting positively invariant family of sets.
In 52th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pages 3806-3811,
Firenze, Italy, 2013.
P. Varutti, B. Kern, and R. Findeisen.
Dissipativity-based distributed nonlinear predictive control for
cascaded systems.
In Proceedings of International Symposium on Advanced Control
of Chemical Processes ADCHEM12, pages 439-444, Singapour, 2012.
S. Raković, B. Kern, and R. Findeisen.
Practical Robust Positive Invariance for Large-Scale Discrete Time Systems.
In 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy,
P. Varutti, T. Faulwasser, B. Kern, M. Kögel, and R. Findeisen.
Event-based reduced-attention predictive control for nonlinear
uncertain systems.
In Proc. of Computer-Aided Control System Design (CACSD'10),
pages 1085-1090, Yokohama, Japan, 2010.
S. Raković, B. Kern, and R. Findeisen.
Practical Set Invariance for Decentralized Discrete Time Systems.
In 49th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Atlanta, Georgia,
P. Varutti, B. Kern, and R. Findeisen.
Event-based control for networked control systems: An active
compensation approach.
In Proc. Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme, EKA'10,
pages 29-38, Magdeburg, Germany, 2010.
B. Kern, C. Böhm, R. Findeisen, and F. Allgöwer.
Receding horizon control for linear periodic time-varying systems
subject to input constraints.
In L. Magni, D. Raimundo, and F. Allgöwer, editors,
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: Towards New Challenging Applications,
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences LNCIS 384, pages
109-117. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009.
T. Faulwasser, B. Kern, and R. Findeisen.
Model predictive path-following control for nonlinear systems.
In 48th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Shanghai, China,
P. Varutti, B. Kern, T. Faulwasser, and R. Findeisen.
Event-based model predictive control for networked control systems.
In 48th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Shanghai, China,
Journal Paper
T. Faulwasser, B. Kern, P. Varutti and R. Findeisen.
Optimierungsbasierte Regelung mittels Asynchroner
Messinformation und stückweiser Steuerung des offenen Kreises.
Automatisierungstechnik, 2008.
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I am a student of the International Max Planck Research School for Analysis,
Design and Optimization in Chemical and Biochemical Process Engineering Magdeburg.
Christophe Weibels MINKSUM C++ library, for the computation of Minkowski sums of
PyMINKSUM v0.11: Python numpy wrapper for MINKSUM.
Git repository for PyMINKSUM
Coin-OR CSDP library. A C Library for Semidefinite Programming.
pycsdp v0.10: Python numpy wrapper for CSDP (Early Beta).
Git repository for pycsdp
Symbolic mathematics with Python
Scientific computations with Python
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