Systems Theory and Automatic Control

M.Sc.-Eng. Solvey Maldonado

  Ph.D. Student and Research Assistant
  Institute for Automation Engineering (IFAT)
  Laboratory for Systems Theory and Automatic Control
  Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
  39106 Magdeburg - Germany







Bone is a highly dynamic tissue able to renew itself in order to maintain body skeletal integrity. During adulthood, the use of exercise or physical activity is of great interest, for multidisciplinary scientific areas, because of the need to shed light into the mechanisms of bone generation, development, maintenance and damage or destruction. Understanding of the biophysical processes happening on the bone tissue can lead to the development of better (medical) strategies to maintain bone strength, and to avoid (or at least to diminish) bone loss related to aging, microgravity environments, immobilization or bed-rest condition.

I am interested in understanding the mechanical adaptation of bone tissue due to physical activity by using Bioengineering and Systems Biology approaches.

Currently I am working on:

  • Modeling and understanding the dynamics behind the force induced bone growth & adaptation
  • Use of Control Optimization tools for Optimal Treatment Design and Identification of possible and viable Targets
  • Use of local and global approaches to Sensitivity analysis
  • Parameter identification/estimation of biological processes

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Conferences, Proceedings and Talks


Solvey Maldonado, Anton Savchenko and Rolf Findeisen. Therapy Discrimination via Global Sensitivity Analysis of Force-induced Bone Growth and Adaptation. Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Pp. 499--505, Yokohama, Japan, September 8-10, 2010.


Solvey Maldonado and Rolf Findeisen. Force-induced Bone Growth and Adaptation: A System Theoretical Approach to Understanding Bone Mechanotransduction. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 10 012127. 2010. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/10/1/012127


S. Maldonado, F. Allgöwer and R. Findeisen. Global Sensitivity Analysis of Force-induced Bone Growth and Adaptation using Semidefinite Programming. Proceedings of Foundations of Systems Biology and Engineering Conference FOSBE, Pp. 141--144, Denver, USA, August 2009.


Solvey Maldonado, Rolf Findeisen and Frank Allgöwer. Understanding the process of force-induced bone growth and adaptation by a mathematical model. Oral presentation at the Computational Modeling in Bone Mechanobiology in the 8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8). 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineeering (ECCOMAS 2008). Italy, 2008.


Solvey Maldonado, Rolf Findeisen and Frank Allgöwer. Towards optimal treatment design: model predicts the synergistic effects of PGE_2 and mechanical loading during bone remodeling. Oral presentation at the 6th International Workshop for Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions. Germany. May 2008.


Solvey Maldonado, Rolf Findeisen and Frank Allgöwer. Understanding the process of force-induced bone growth and adaptation through a mathematical model. Poster at the IBMS Davos Workshop on Bone Biology and Therapeutics. Abstract published in Bone, V. 42, S. 1, Pp. S61, March 2008.


Solvey Maldonado, Rolf Findeisen and Frank Allgöwer. Describing Force Induced Bone Growth and Adaptation by a Mathematical Model. J of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions, Vol. 8, Number 1, Pp. 15--17, March 2008.


S. Maldonado, R. Findeisen and F. Allgöwer. Phenomenological Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Force-Induced Bone Growth and Adaptation. Proceedings of 2nd Foundations of Systems Biology and Engineering Conference FOSBE, Pp. 147--152, Germany, September 2007.


Solvey Maldonado, Rolf Findeisen and Frank Allgöwer. Describing Force Induced Bone Growth and Adaptation by a Mathematical Model. Oral presentation in 4. Black Forest Forum for Musculoskeletal Interactions. Castle Bad Liebenzell, Germany, May 2007.


Steffen Borchers, Solvey Maldonado, Rolf Findeisen and Frank Allgöwer. Modeling the bone remodeling cycle due to mechanical force. Poster at the International Conference on Progress in Bone and Mineral Research Viena, Austria, 2006. Abstract published in Bone V. 39, N. 5, Pp. S15--S16. November 2006.


Solvey Maldonado, Steffen Borchers, Rolf Findeisen and Frank Allgöwer. Modeling bone adaptation and remodeling initiated by mechanical stimuli. Proceedings of The International Mediterranean Modelling Conference 2006. ISBN: 84-690-0726-2. 2nd European Modeling and Simulation Symposium. Barcelona, Spain. Pp. 403--409, October 2006.


Steffen Borchers, Solvey Maldonado, Rolf Findeisen and Frank Allgöwer. Modeling the bone remodeling cycle due to mechanical force. Proceedings of The International Mediterranean Modelling Conference 2006. ISBN: 84-690-0726-2. 2nd European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, Barcelona, Spain. Pp. 385--394, October 2006.


S. Maldonado, S. Borchers, R.Findeisen and F. Allgöwer. Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Force Induced Bone Growth. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, New York, USA. Pp.3154--3157. August-September 2006.


S. Maldonado, S. Borchers, R. Findeisen and F. Allgöwer. Modeling and analysis of force induced bone growth. Poster at The International Workshop on Systems Biology, NUI Maynooth, Ireland, 17-19 July 2006.


Solvey Maldonado. Esquema combinado de Control por Modo Deslizante y Control PID aplicado en Cascada a un Sistema Multivariable, (A Cascade Combined Schema of Sliding Mode Control and PID Control applied to a Multivariable System) In Memories of the IV Congreso Venezolano de Ingeniería Eléctrica CVIE-2004. Caracas - Venezuela, September, 2004. ISBN: 980-12-0830-9. Vol. 2. Pp. 659.


Timaure Rossana, Maldonado Solvey, Blanca Guillén. Diseño de un Módulo de Acondicionamiento y Adquisición de Señales Electroencefalográficas. (Design of an Acquisition and Conditioning Module of Electroencephalography Signals). In Memories of the IV Congreso Venezolano de Ingeniería Eléctrica CVIE-2004. Caracas - Venezuela, September, 2004. ISBN: 980-12-0830-9. Vol. 2. Pp. 530.


Solvey Maldonado. A Cascade Sliding Mode Control Applied to a Multivariable System. Proceedings of The 20th International Conference On CAD\/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future, CARS \& FOF 2004. San Cristóbal - Venezuela, July, 2004.ISBN: 980-12-0787-6. Pp. 240-248.


Timaure Rossana, Maldonado Solvey, Blanca Guillén. Diseño de un Sistema de Adquisición de Señales Electroencefalográficas. (Design of an Acquisition Electroencephalography Signals System) In Memories of the II Congreso Venezolano de Bioingeniería BIO2004. Mérida - Venezuela, July, 2004. ISBN: 980-11-0777-4. Pp.245-251.


Maldonado Solvey, Rojas Rubén, Camacho Oscar. Control por Modo Deslizante Aplicado en Cascada: un Esquema de Aplicación, (Sliding Mode Control Applied in Cascade: an Application Schema) In Memories of the VII Congreso Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas CIMENICS’2004. San Cristóbal - Venezuela, April, 2004. ISBN:980-6745-00-0. pp EC-17- EC-24.


Maldonado Solvey, Rojas Rubén, Camacho Oscar. Sintonización de Controladores por Modo Deslizante en Cascada Aplicados a Procesos Químicos, (Tuning of Sliding Mode Controllers Applied in Cascade to Chemical Process) In Memories of the VII Congreso Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas CIMENICS 2004. San Cristóbal - Venezuela, April 2004. ISBN 980-6745-00-0. pp EC-41- EC-48.


Maldonado Solvey, Rojas Rubén. Control por Modo Deslizante aplicado en Cascada a un Tanque de Agitación Continua. (Sliding Mode Control Applied in Cascade to a Mixing Tank Model) In VII Jornadas Científico Técnicas UNET 2003. San Cristóbal - Venezuela, November, 2003.


Maldonado Solvey, Rojas Rubén, Comparación del rendimiento de un Sistema de Control por Modo Deslizante aplicado en modo simple y en cascada a un Sistema Multivariable, caso de estudio un Tanque de Agitación Continua, (Comparison of the performance of a Sliding Mode Control System Applied in a simple feedback loop and in a cascade loop to a Multivariable System, Case of study a Tank of Continuous Agitation) In Memories of the III Congreso Venezolano de Ingeniería Eléctrica. Caracas - Venezuela, November, 2002. pp. 302-325.


Maldonado Solvey, Rojas Rubén. Control por Modo Deslizante Aplicado en Cascada a un Tanque de Agitación Continua, (Sliding Mode Control Applied in cascade to a Mixing Tank) In LI Convención Anual de AsoVAC Capítulo Táchira, Acta Científica Venezolana, Volumen 52 – Suplemento N° 3-2001, pp. 434, San Cristóbal, Venezuela, November 2001.


Maldonado Solvey. Control por Modo Deslizante Caso de Estudio un Tanque de Agitación Continua, (Sliding Mode Control, case of study a Mixing Tank) In Memories of the I Jornadas de Ingeniería en Informática, San Cristóbal, Venezuela, July 2001.


Maldonado Solvey, Rojas Rubén. Control por Modo Deslizante Aplicado a una Válvula Solenoide Proporcional, (Sliding Mode Control Aplied to a Proportional Solenoid Valve) In Memories of the II Coloquio de Automatización y Control, Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela, December 2000.


Dulhoste Jean, Maldonado Solvey, Pernía Alpha. Instrumentación Inteligente vs Instrumentación Virtual, (Intelligent Instrumentation vs Virtual Instrumentation) In Memories of the 1er Simposio Internacional de Automatización y Tecnologías del Nuevo Milenio. ISBN 980-11-0401-5. pp.103-108, Mérida, Venezuela, 2000.

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  • Optimal treatment design for bone restoration & maintenance
  • Sensitivity analysis for non-linear systems
  • Modeling approaches for mechanotransduction
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09/2006 -

Research Activities

01/2005 - 08/2006

Degree: Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA), Process and Systems Engineering Department, University of Valladolid, Spain.

Master Thesis: “Study and Modeling of Force-induced Bone Growth”.

09/1999 - 11/2002

Degree: Magister Scientiae in Automation and Instrumentation, University of The Andes, Venezuela.

Master Thesis: “Tuning equations of a Sliding Mode Controller Applied in Cascade to a SISO System”.

05/1993 - 03/1999

Degree: Systems Engineer, at the University of The Andes, Venezuela.

Thesis: “Study for Automation of the Zone of Calcination, Lime Plant, SIDOR”.

Work Experience

07/2008 -

Research Engineer at the IFAT in Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg.

09/2006 - 07/2008

Research Engineer at the IST in University of Stuttgart.

03/2001 - 03/2005

Lecturer at Department of Informatics, University of Táchira and Research Engineer at the Bioengineering Research Group. Venezuela.

02/2000 - 02/2001

Research Engineer at the Grupo de Ingeniería Biomédica de la ULA (GIBULA), Venezuela. Project: Potardio System Study. Designing and applying acquisition techniques for EKG signal processing.

07/1998 - 02/1999

Internship at Siderúrgica del Orinoco SIDOR, Venezuela. Project: Calcination Zone Automation Study , Lime Plant.

03/1998 - 07/1998

Research Engineer at the Instituto de Estadística Aplicada y Computación (IEAC), Venezuela. Project designing and implementing a multi platform for an Object Oriented Simulation Language. Project financed by CDCHT-ULA

10/1995 - 02/1998

Student Assistant at the Mathematics Department of University of The Andes, Venezuela.


01/2005 - 08/2006

Grant ALFA Programme for the Co-operation for Advanced Scientific and Technological Training. Process and Systems Engineering.

01/2005- 12/2007

Research Promotion Venezuelan Program 2005-2007. Researcher Candidate Level PPI Number 7122.

09/1999 - 02/2001

Scholarship for Master Studies given by CONICIT Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas now FONACIT Venezuela.


Magna Cum Laude Distinction, University of The Andes.


Scholarship for Undergraduate Student given by Mérida State Government and the Foundation for Science and Technology Development (Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y la Tecnología – FUNDACITE). Venezuela


Recognition for high performance student given by University of The Andes.


Recognition for high performance student given by University of The Andes.

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International Bone & Mineral Society

International Society of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions

Bone and spaceflights research at Los Alamos National Laboratory

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