Systems Theory and Automatic Control

Regelungstechnik 2/Systemtheorie


Priv-Doz. Dr. sc. techn. ETH Eric Bullinger
Raum: G07-206



Vorlesungszeiten und -ort (2 SWS Vorlesung, 1 SWS Übung)

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Lernziele und erworbene Kompetenzen:
  • Systems theory is an interdisciplinary field of science, which is aimed to analyze and study the nature of complex dynamical systems, e.g. biological, economic, and electrical systems. During the course the basics that allow the study and understanding of dynamical processes will be presented. In particular, attention will be focused on special properties of continuous linear/nonlinear systems, in particular stability, observability, and controllability.
Vorlesungsinhalte (Auszug):
  • Description of dynamical systems
    • modelling and classification
    • state space, phase portrait
  • Structural properties of linear systems
    • ordinary differential equations
    • solutions, existence and uniqueness
    • characterisation of systems behaviour
    • stability, controlability, observability
  • Structural properties of nonlinear systems
    • solutions, existence and uniqueness
    • Lyapunov stability
  • linear algebra, integral and differential calculus (basic), differential geometry (basic)
Empfehlungen für die nötige selbstständige Vorbereitung:
  • Vorlesungen besuchen und zuhören
  • Übungen selbst rechnen
  • Vorlesungs- und Hilfsmaterial lesen und verstehen
  • Extra-Aufgaben rechnen

Literatur zum weiteren Selbststudium
