Control of a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) with NMPC

ROVs play an important role in all those situations in which the environment can be too dangerous for human beings. In particular, our focus is on autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV), as the one depicted in the picture. It has been shown in many real cases that this kind of vehicles might exhibit permanent oscillations in the heave dynamics when moving at high speed. This was demonstrated not to be caused by actuators saturation but by the dynamics of the system which is subject to a Hopf bifurcation as the propulsive speed increases. Goal of the project is to study this problem and try to solve it by using a predictive approach. Simulations in Matlab should show that the method is effective in counteracting the phenomenon.
Topic Areas:
Systems Theory, Predictive Control, Nonlinear Control
Suggested Pre-Knowledge:
Regelungstechnik, Optimal Control, Matlab
Time requirements:
Literature Research and Modelling |
10% |
Systems Theory |
30% |
Simulation/MATLAB |
60% |
- An Introduction to Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
- Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
- Modeling, Identification, and Analysis of Limit-Cycling Pitch and Heave Dynamics in an ROV
(The former articles are available as Pdf. Send an email to
Paolo Varutti for more information.)
Paolo Varutti