ADMITaddData adds processed experimental data to an ADMITproject.
Note: Use ADMITimportData to compose the experimental data in the
required format (ADMITdata) and then ADMITprocessData to process this
data to add intermediate bounds according to a specified method (i.e.
forcing monotonicity or interpolating the bounds), relative or absolute
[...] : square brackets notify that input is optional.
OPT : valid ADMITproject object, containing description of the
current task
OPTDATA : valid ADMITdata object with processed input data. If the
data is not processed (but 'Raw'), it can still be used
directly, however will issue a warning
VAR_NAMES : string with the name of the variable or cell array of
strings for several variable names. All found variables
of type 'Processed' or 'Raw' are taken if this input is
not provided.
OPTIONS : ADMIToptions object, that contains options and
preferences. Default options are used if this input is
not provided.
OPT : opt structure with added bounds created from experimental data
OPT = ADMITproject();
% Add data stored in matrices
% (note: you can use csvread,xlsread,... and other MatLab-functions to
% read data from CSV,EXCEL,... files!)
dataMean = [1.5,1.9,1.3,1.7,2,1.6];
dataVariance = [0.15,0.2,0.15,0.1,0.15,0.1];
dataTime = [0,1,2,3,4,5];
% assume lower/upper bounds to correspond to -/+ standard-deviation
dataLB = dataMean - sqrt(dataVariance);
dataUB = dataMean + sqrt(dataVariance);
% Import
OPTDATA = ADMITimportData('x1',dataTime,dataLB,dataUB)
% Process data with intermediate bounds and relative tolerance
OPTDATA1 = ADMITprocessData(OPTDATA,'x1',0:.5:5,0.01);
% Add 'Processed' data to the OPT task
% If you attempt to add only 'Raw' data, this will issue a warning: