Systems Theory and Automatic Control

ADMIT documentation: ADMITsetOptions


ADMITsetOptions creates/alters ADMIT options structure.

OPS = ADMITsetOptions() creates an ADMIToptions-object in which all
properties are set to the default values cf. ADMITgetOptions.

OPS = ADMITsetOptions('NAME1',VALUE1,'NAME2',VALUE2,...) creates an
ADMIToptions-object in which the named properties have the the
specified values. Any unspecified properties have default values.

OPS = ADMITsetOptions(OLDOPS,'NAME1',VALUE1,'NAME2',VALUE2) alters
an existing ADMIToptions-object OLDOPS.

Descriptions of the options can be found via the options reference.


% To get default options object one can use
ops = ADMIToptions
% Changing default options can be done as follows
ops = ADMITsetOptions('DISPLAY.varboseLevel',1,'PARALLEL.use',1);
% One can also modify existing options object by setting new values to
% the options object provided
ops = ADMITsetOptions(ops,'DISPLAY.timeStamps.use',0);
% To get the value of an option use:
presolveOpts = ADMITgetOptions(ops,'ESTIMATE.presolve')