Systems Theory and Automatic Control

ADMIT documentation: ADMIToptions: YALMIP


Options passed through to YALMIP

YALMIP.cachesolvers [{1} | 0]
  Enable/Disable caching of solvers. YALMIP checks for available solvers 
  every time the function solvesdp is called. Check for available options 
  in YALMIP documentation.
YALMIP.verbose [3 | 2 | 1 | {0}]
  Sets display level of the solver:
      0 .. minimal amount of information is displayed
      1 .. moderate amount of information is displayed
      2 .. extensive amount of information is displayed
YALMIP.showprogress [1 | {0}]
  Enable/Disable progress display. The user can see what YALMIP is 
  currently doing.
YALMIP.solver [solver name {'sedumi'}]
  Choose SDP/(MI)LP solver. Check YALMIP documentation for a list of 
  supported solvers.