Ph.D. Student and Research Assistant
Institute for Automation Engineering (IFAT)
Laboratory for Systems Theory and Automatic Control
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
39106 Magdeburg, Germany
room: |
G07 - 005 |
phone: |
(+49) 0391-67 58894 |
fax: |
(+49) 0391-67 11191 |
email: |
Research Interests
- Nonlinear model predictive control
- Predictive control for uncertain systems with multiple dynamics, e.g. applications as autonomous driving
- Path following and force control in autonomous robotics
- Machine learning algorithm for control and classification,
e.g. in the context of autonomous driving,
Gaussian processes, neural networks, nearest neighbor comparison
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Journals Articles and Book Chapters (all peer reviewed)
J. Matschek, J. Bethge, and R. Findeisen.
Safe machine-learning-suppored model predictive force and motion
control in robotics.
J. Bethge, R. Findeisen, D. D. Le, M. Merkert, H. Rewald, S. Sager,
A. Savchenko, and S. Sorgatz.
Mathematical optimization and machine learning for efficient urban
German Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics, 35:113--120,
[ DOI ]
Proceedings (peer reviewed)
J. Bethge, M. Pfefferkorn, A. Rose, J. Peters, and R. Findeisen.
Model predictive control with gaussian-process-supported dynamical
constraints for autonomous In Proceedings of IFAC World Congress, 2023.
T. Zieger, P. Holzmann, J. Bethge, T. Oehlschl"gel, and R. Findeisen.
Rigid-tube nonlinear model predictive control for path following.
In Proceedings of IFAC World Congress, 2023.
J. Matschek, J. Bethge, M. Soliman, B. Elsayed, and R. Findeisen.
Constrained reference learning for continuous-time model predictive
tracking control of autonomous systems.
volume 54, pages 329--334, 2021.
Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive
J. Bethge, B. Morabito, H. Rewald, A. Ahsan, S. Sorgatz, and R. Findeisen.
Model predictive control of mixed traffic at intersections using
learning and classification of human driving behavior.
In Proceedings of IFAC World Congress, pages 14557--14563,
J. Bethge, S. Yu, and R. Findeisen.
Model predictive control with guarantees for discrete linear
stochastic systems subject to additive disturbances with chance constraints.
In 2020 American Control Conference (ACC), pages 1943--1948,
[ DOI ]
J. Bethge, B. Morabito, J. Matschek, and R. Findeisen.
Multi-mode learning supported model predictive control with
In Proceedings of 6th Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
Conference (NMPC), pages 616--621, Madison, United States, 2018.
[ DOI ]
K. J. Kazim, J. Bethge, J. Matschek, and R. Findeisen.
Combined predictive path following and admittance control.
In Proceedings of American Control Conference (ACC), pages
3153--3158, Milwaukee, United States, 2018.
[ DOI ]
J. Matschek, J. Bethge, P. Zometa, and R. Findeisen.
Force feedback and path following using predictive control: Concept
and application to a lightweight robot.
In Proceedings of 19th IFAC World Congress Toulouse, pages
10243--10248, Toulouse, France, 2017.
[ DOI ]
J. Bethge. Entwurf und Implementierung einer modellprädiktiven
Kraft- und Pfadverfolgungsregelung für Kontaktszenarien in der Robotik.
Master thesis, Institute for Automation Engineering, Otto von Guericke University
Magdeburg. 2016.
J. Bethge. Unscented Kalman filtering of a robotic manipulator.
Bachelor thesis, Institute for Automation Engineering, Otto von Guericke University
Magdeburg. 2013.
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Teaching Activity
Supervisor and Co-Supervisor
Supervisor of the following master theses:
- Robust Model Predictive Control for Trajectory Tracking of a Quadcopter (Alfred Khafizov, 2022)
- Path Planning and Control of an Autonomous Vehicle (Johannes Bröcker, 2022)
- Learning-Supported Predictive Control of Autonomous Vehicles subject to Mixed-Traffic (Alexander Rose, 2022)
- Position Prediction and Performance Evaluation comparing Model-based and Machine-Learning Approaches for autonomous vehicles
  (Diego Jorge Torrico Carvajal, 2021)
- Model predictive control for path-following applied to a ground vehicle (Alexander Schulzke, 2020)
- Multi-mode Model-Predictive Control of an Autonomous Vehicle at an Intersection (Syed Adil Muddassir Ahsan, 2019)
- Two-degree-of-freedom control for distance-to-ground tracking of airplanes (Ruslan Valeev, 2019)
- Learning based Model Predictive Control with application to a robotic hand (Peter Eskander, 2018)
- Simulation und Reglerentwurf eines Zweiradmodells mit Fahrer im 3-dimensionalen Raum (Jan-Erik Hehn, 2018)
Supervisor of the following student projects:
- Predictive Path Following for an autonomous ground vehicle (Alexander Rose, 2021)
- Parameterschätzung und Systemidentifikation am HAMSTER (Alexander Schulzke, 2019)
- Comparison of Machine Learning algorithm for autonomous vehicles at an Intersection (Syed Adil Muddassir Ahsan, 2018)
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Thesis and Student Projects
If you are interested in doing your thesis or a project on Model Predictive Control in the context of robotics or autonomous driving
Send me a short e-mail with the following information, this may increase your chances of being considered as a candidate:
- a brief description of who you are: name, study program, time planned for developing the project,
- A transcript of your grades from Bachelor and Master studies (pdf-file),
- which project are you interested in,
- a short, but clear statement of why you think you could succesfully complete the project,
- A curriculum vitae (max. 1 page) with the information that is relevant to the project (e.g. do not include hobbies or primary school info, but include programming languages) (pdf-file).
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I am working as a Ph.D. student and research assistant under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Findeisen at the Institute
for Automation Engineering at the Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg. Since April 2017 I am additionally a fellow of the research
training group Mathematical Complexity Reduction.
In 2018 I had a 1-month stay on the Jilin University of China in Changchun for research exchange.
I studied Systems Engineering and Engineering Cybernetics at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg until November 2016. The topic of my master thesis was the conceptuation and implementation of a hybrid force/position model predictive controller for path following. The application was the KUKA lightweight robot IV. During 2013/2014 I studied abroad, at the Tampere University of Technology in Finland.
I have spent internships at the Robert Bosch GmbH in Schwieberdingen in 2012 and at the Cibite AG in Donauwörth in 2014. In 2011 and 2012 I was part of the organizing team of the RoboCup German Open. Since December 2016 I am a member of Rolf Findeisen's Group for Systems Theory and Automatic Control.
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